Live life connected

BodyMind Living magazine is a space for those of you on your personal growth journey to stop chasing and start living.

What happens when you disconnect from internal chatter, connect into your body and feel the moment?

Stillness is a medicine that takes a moment of you witnessing and accepting yourself, it’s a prescription to pause…

I struggle with the definition of stillness being the absence of motion, as our natural state of being is not still or silent.

Stillness wasn’t a choice, but forced; determined and dictated by numbers calculated with biweekly blood tests.

In practicing stillness I need to be willing to show up, remove distractions, and find comfort even in the discomfort.

I can stop.
I can simply BE.

How can we be still when our neural pathways have been wired to constantly be adapting, anticipating and surviving?

I was exhausted, overwhelmed and didn’t know what to do, so I sat.